GoodSAMARitan Press

Isles of Myst New Mirage Chapbooks

Poetry Chapbooks

The GoodSAMARitan Press Publishes poetry chapbooks in the New Mirage series.  It  also publishes the Isle of Myst series.

Information and Standards - jeromevbrooke @ yahoo .com

The GoodSAMARitan Press publishes poetry in association with the Mirage Group.

Art by Deborah D Davis


Chapbooks in the New Mirage Seies are private publications



New Mirage and Isle of Myst Series

The collections in the New Mirage series are privately published.  The chapbooks in the Isles of Myst series are distributed online.

Chapbook submission standards are available at  jeromevbrooke @ yahoo .com.




Chapbooks and Anthologies

Chapbooks and anthologies are published by the GoodSAMARitan Press.  Chapbooks are a short collection of poems, often with a common theme or form. 

Anthologies may provide wider access to the work of a poet than other collections.

Standards are available at


     jeromevbrooke @ yahoo .com